Error-list column 1
Error-list column 2

Please note:

This converter converts from Mecabricks in form of collada or blender export to LDraw, which can then be exported to other 3D LEGO® CAD softwares.

The converter is free to use and currently only supports .dae, .zmbx & .mbx to .ldr

This converter is one-way only. If you want to convert from .ldr to .dae, .zmbx or.mbx, you shall use Mecabricks.

Conversion files from the bricks have been copied over from MecaBricks. Any imperfections that might result in import from LDraw to Mecabricks will reflect on here aswell. And yes, I have been given permission from the owner of these files (Nicolas Jarraud aka Scrubs) to use this metadata.

The converter might have a few bugs. If any bricks are displaced or rotate incorrectly, please PM me via Mecabricks.


Select a file of your choice that has been exported from the Mecabricks Workshop as either .dae (collada) or .mbx (extraction from blender-addon ready file .zmbx). Then you just simple click the big button labeled "convert"! 😆
Sometimes you need to press the convert button several times ;)

Piece got Downgraded = Brick reference had a v in it, which doesn't convert
E.g. 2412v2 -> 2412

Piece could not be converted = Piece is not in the conversion matrix file and therefore the position and rotation cannot be adjusted to the LDraw system. It'll still carry over, but it might be upside down or otherwise displaced
E.g. 1751 (Tile 4x4)

Print of piece got removed = The brick reference contained letters, which don't convert.
E.g. 3626d1669 -> 3626 (Mini head)

Color not found = Color does not convert so it is replaced with standard color 5.
E.g. 370 (Medium brown) -> 5 (error, so Bright Purple/Dark pink)

ERROR = You just see error in big letters pop up? Refresh. Also, make sure your file is actually from MecaBricks. 😉